Although not a Colchester native, Gary speaks passionately about the city’s creative community. He is one of the founding members of The Spontaneity Shop Improv Company but primarily he’s an actor on stage and screen.

Gary was born and raised in Chester. London’s bright lights enticed him to head south in 1988, where he lived in Camden before moving to Colchester in 2004. As a graduate from the esteemed RADA dramatic arts school, Gary says creativity is all consuming and Colchester’s local creative scene helps fuel this drive and passion.

We shot this selection of photographs at the Three Wise Monkeys, a busy pub and popular live music venue off Colchester’s high street. This and other venues in the city host a range of local talent through to established artists from further afield.

Gary believes the live music scene is massively eclectic and growing, with venues like the Three Wise Monkeys and Coda having a big impact while helping shine a spotlight on local musical talent.

Also in the spotlight is the city’s theatre and acting community. Venues like the Mercury Theatre and Headgate Theatre host amateur plays, through to musicals and acting workshops. According to Gary there is always something stirring creatively in Colchester. The city has really upped its game and the future looks very bright.


Beth - artist


Vix - singer songwriter